I’m currently developing a tile based tactical game in JavaScript for the web. It’s definitely my dream project, but I know at my current rate it’s going to be a few years before I can finish it.

While I would like to just keep churning away on it, it’s been years since I shipped a completed game. I decided to enter a game jam and the Adventure Game Jam perfectly lined up with a long free weekend so I decided to churn something out!
After two weeks I barely scraped out something playable or comprehensible in the form of a dark comedy game called Death of a Masochist. It didn’t really fit my original game code, but it allowed me to explore the narrative aspect of my code for things like dialog options and small cutscenes.

This was really useful because I could see how creating even this small amount of dialog and cutscenes was becoming a monumental task. I was able to write a custom export format for scrivener that I could export and import as json in my code in the future. I’ve already wrote about 10,000 words that I will be able to easily transfer to my game in the future.
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